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5 out of 20 major international pharmaceutical companies use our services to translate their documents.
pages of documents are translated by us every day
medical and pharmaceutical translators and interpreters work with us on a regular basis
experts in medicine and pharmaceuticals edit our translations
What We Do
How We Do It
  • Entrusting translation assignments only to relevant field specialists
    In our company, neurosurgery texts are handled by neurosurgeons, and dermatology texts are translated by dermatologists. Such tasks are never given to linguists "armed" with specialized dictionaries.
  • Expanding the glossary
    We maintain and enrich a glossary of specialized terms. Currently, it includes over 10,000 relevant items.
  • Reviewing translations only by staff editors
    We have 30 specialized scientific editors on our staff.
  • Using high-tech solutions
    We cross-check the translations, monitor the consistency of terminology, and track online the progress of job assignments.